18m unable to keep an erection or finish with certain people


I’ve been able to cum and stay hard with most of my previous partners but for whatever reason I’m yet to cum with my current partner. It’s really hurting her self esteem as this is the 7th time I’ve been unable to finish as I lose my erection instead.

For context, Im able to get hard easily when making out and stay hard during missionary but after 5-10 minutes when I pull out to change positions I start to go soft and become unable to get it hard again. Similarly after a few minutes of doggy or with her on top I’m unable to stay hard.

I’m unsure why this is affecting me as I’m a relatively healthy guy on no medication and a somewhat healthy diet. I don’t feel any pressure to perform which makes me doubt any mental block. I do masturbate without lube and with a hard grip which may be a problem, but I’ve stopped masturbating for weeks and still have this problem.

Why am I able to finish easily with some women yet unable to maintain an erection with my current partner?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


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