19M, I have received two bj’s, the fist experience was uuuhhhamazingggg, the 2nd absolute trauma aftermath.


STD negative. I have had HPV and hepatitis vaccinations were given after the I had received the bj ( I know after having sex isn’t ideal for vaccinations ), but almost 7 months later my dick still tingles and I’m in pain ? Any advice, I’ve stopped being sexually active since. I’ve kissed about 7 people in my life. But the 2bj’s are the only sexual activities I’ve had, I’ve embarrassingly been in and out of the gp clinic, turns out I had thread worm for a period of time that has been cleared with mediaction and dealt with but the tingling and penis pain still persists, I’m seeing a urologist soon but any thoughts would be great, I’m open to questions aswell.

Last sexually actively 5th march 2023.


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