22f virgin but ready to try it


I don’t really talk about myself irl and also didn’t want to discuss my personal life on my main account so I made this to post here about my feelings about something I keep private. There are some things I don’t discuss with others, like politics, religion, or anything NSFW.

I think people have this wholesome image of me because I don’t smoke, drink, or cuss, though I don’t mind if others do! People close to me know I’m a virgin and have barely dated. They seem to believe it’s a choice I’ve made, and it sort of is, but there are other complications to my preferences that make it difficult. In trying to open up about my tastes to past partners, I’ve found myself unable to articulate exactly what will scratch the itch for me. My tastes are somewhat unconventional and cause me great distress and feelings of guilt and anxiety after I’ve stimulated myself.

We all need to release these urges sometimes, of course. The types of thoughts that run through my mind when I’m purging those compulsions are not things I see a man wanting to do. There are men I know personally who like me, but I don’t know how to broach the topic of what I’m into, especially because they could easily gossip about it. I also don’t want to be coercive and accidentally make a partner feel obligated to do something he doesn’t enjoy as much as I do. It should be mutually fulfilling.

My fetish is thankfully something that can be explored as foreplay during intercourse. I just don’t know how to ask for it. I’m very shy about even asking for it on a dating site. I’d need a man to confess to me first that he’s also into it. I’ve denied sex with multiple people because of this curse. I wish I could just be into normal things but this is the only thing that satisfies me and I don’t like that about myself. Unfortunately, it is getting to the point where I NEED it. I HAVE to experience this.

Do you ever feel like your tastes are off-putting to potential partners to the point that you don’t even try?

Thanks for reading. It has been nice to be able to finally get this off my chest!


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