(24F) Can only cum from penetration, sex life is 90% blowjobs


Okay y’all. This is kind of embarrassing but I am just too fed up to care at this point.

So, I get a lot of pleasure from giving my boyfriend head and he has been so stressed and tired with work and school lately that I started coming over a couple nights a week to suck his cock. On the weekend, he has more energy and we have sex then. But that essentially means that my boyfriend is getting a minimum of 5 orgasms a week, and I’m getting one if I’m lucky.

Because PIV sex is rarely possible, and often doesn’t last long enough to get me off when it does happen, my boyfriend and I talked about finding other ways to get me off so that things are more equal. So he tried eating me out and I just feel…nothing. It just feels like a relaxing, slobbery clit massage, it doesn’t feel pleasurable at all. And I’ve cum from him fingering me before, but it’s usually just uncomfortable and I feel more horny after, not less.

Does anyone have any advice, any techniques that worked for them, etc?


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