[26] male- sexuality confusion


I am in a relationship that’s actually healthy and great with my gf [24]
I couldn’t imagine myself getting married or emotionally attached to a stereotypical male
I have had some exploration at 15, oral given to me but then thought it wasn’t good
At 17 thought I was bi
At 22 had kissed a guy when drunk and drugs in the shower
Let him do oral but again thought it was weird
Stimmed out one day let a guy rim me and another guy
Couldn’t get hard for [mental health related no med and amphs etc]
I find MTF transwomen very attractive with stereotypical very femine features and love ass in general and anal play
I don’t mind it on myself
Never had penetrative sex from a man or to a man
I see beauty in everyone, as of right now and for a while,
I would idea lly be with a woman like I am now, who. Can maybe some day maybe not have a kid or kids with

All this exploration combined with getting turned on showing guys my ass on the internet in the past some sort of exhibition kink makes me question

I want to know
I thi k I’m into. Everyone and just really horny all the time

But have been madly physically Nad emotionally attached to women or my gf for example

I need help
I don’t need to label a ssxuality but questioning is too much work

Do I fall underthe lines of PAnsexual? Bi?

I think Mania and stimulants caused more willingness to do these things and don’t blame them solely

Pls help


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