[29M] Massively inexperienced virgin, starting to weigh on me!


Unfortunately, things never materialised for me. Never had a relationship, kissed, held hands or anything else. Didn’t bother me for years, but now I’m starting to get older it has hit home pretty hard. Feeling kind of flat at the various ‘milestones’ I’ve simply missed.

I’m socially pretty normal but have recently moved away from my core friend group. I have a stable job, apartment, am physically active and quite athletic (main hobbies are sport + training). Have been told I’m okay looking, 6ft tall, 170-180lbs athletic physique. No major red flags other than being a major virgin. Downfall is my introverted nature and occasional lack of self-confidence (less of an issue recently as have made solid improvements). Have also been told I’m intimidating at face value, not entirely clear as to why.

Used to go to force myself to social events during University, and would get some interest, but as someone who doesn’t drink alcohol I never felt comfortable escalating. Online dating has been a sad affair with virtually no interest, and I really can’t be bothered with it. Unfortunately, it is more difficult now being new to this area and having no real friends.

I just feel so behind in terms of experience, it is starting to eat away at me and it doesn’t really look like changing any time soon either. It is also problematic, as my overall physiological drive has become incessantly/relentlessly high and distracting. Well beyond even my teenage years.

Not really sure what to do at this point, or if I can even reconcile my lack of experience in this day and age. I’m wired towards long-term relationships, as don’t think I’m equipped to handle the ‘casual’ arrangements that are prevalent these days. Certainly, any advice would be appreciated.


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