57 Seconds – Playlists

Josh Hutcherson (The Hunger Games) and Academy Award® winner Morgan Freeman (Million Dollar Baby) star in this …







15 responses to “57 Seconds – Playlists”

  1. Marc Padilla Avatar

    Black people want white people thst much . Oh u gonna drag me witchu yt

  2. AJ Everyone Avatar

    Sucks, won't watch again, all the production quality and depth of a Lifetime movie. Low low low low budget.

  3. Trent Duren Avatar

    Homie be just loading quicksaves

  4. Weird reddit post Avatar

    Good movie surprised it doesn’t have more views

  5. Wisteria777 S Avatar

    Morgan Freeman – bravo👏🏼- is always awesome to watch no matter what character he plays. I hope Josh and Lovie took a lot of notes playing next to an experienced actor that literally knows what he's doing with a part. Josh and Lovie, the chemistry was NOT believable, at all! did you two not like each other off camera or something!? Josh, you didn't have any trouble playing believable with Jennifer Lawrence, what was the problem with Lovie Simone? I wonder! 🤭A little advice, don't do a sequel.

  6. penfishingrods. com Avatar

    His wife ruined everything. You can never trust a woman.

  7. captain kane Avatar

    Freaking love this movie

  8. Tim Fay Avatar

    Can we hire someone different for these trailers please? I had no idea what the movie was. Now I know every plot point and probably every time he uses the damn power.

  9. John Callanan Avatar

    Is this a JoJo reference?

  10. BepTweBot Avatar

    I can’t wait for this!!! I was an extra in this!!! 🩶🩶🩶

  11. crazy gaming bro Avatar

    Josh has definitely been busy with all these movies he has been working on recently.

  12. J.J. Haro Avatar

    -The concept is pretty legit.
    – I’m a little ticked they did my man Josh Hutcherson so dirty with this trailer.
    – It’s like, COME ON, this movie deserves a better trailer.
    – Trynna stall the Josh Hutcherson Renaissance like that.