A guy I hooked up with ran away in the middle of sex


So I (20f) met a guy (20m) on an app and within an hour he was coming over to hookup. He got to my place and we started kissing and immediately taking off our clothes.

There was some pushback from him about wearing a condom, and I said before he came over that either we could wear a condom or just not have sex. He agreed to wear one, and I thought that was that. So, he puts it on and we’re having intercourse. He takes it off and starts initiating other stuff (mouth, hand stuff, etc.) and as his penis (unsheathed) gets closer to my vagina, I asked if he had a condom on, to which he replied that he wasn’t putting it in.

After that, he said he had another condom in his car and that he had to go get it. I said I probably had one somewhere, but he said it was fine and to “wait right there.” A minute passes and no return; I look out my window and his car was gone.

All during the sex, he was initiating dirty talk that I have never tried before. I was very new to it (and told him this) and think that could’ve made him want to leave? Or he possibly thought he could get away with not wearing a condom if I was more permissive in-person.

I’m just posting this because it felt so unreal. In the moment, I didn’t think for a moment that he would leave just like that. I’ve hooked up with over 5 guys this year and haven’t dealt with anything like this.

If you know of any similar situations, please comment. I just feel confused!


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