About Us

What is Armessa?

Armessa is a coming soon to the globe through the web and mobile app AR Augmented reality social messaging website and app for the modern day consumer culture.
A Platform for the touchscreen generation and the content makers of a new digital revolution, streaming content through mobile, transaction, and social commerce.

Armessa blends AR, Music, film as well as social messaging and e-commerce. We are a platform for creatives, brands and the on demand consumer.

Problems we face as users, creatives and industry makers

Both consumer fans and the consumer industry served by retail are starved of satisfaction

Artistry has been take advantage of in the old and new era.

Solution Armessa has for users, creatives and industry makers

An AR social messaging app that acts as a new age manual guide for the consumers with an immersive experience, assisting the new creative industry in the consumer buying process.

What We Offer for users, creatives and industry makers

Experiences from the artist, the product, the brand, and real time recommendations from fellow music and film consumers before you purchase right into you and your friend’s own space.

Armessa will be the world’s first consumer manual, guiding music and film fans before, during and after the purchase button.

The Founder

“My idea came from frustration as a consumer for music and film. Despite the golden age of content, I spent all this time looking but never truly experiencing.”

“We spend more time looking and following but never experiencing. And that’s when it dawned on me that music, movies, trending and most importantly Augmented Reality by social commerce was the answer.”

“A step-by-step guide ready to assemble experiences based on geo location and shared interests. The Content industry is able to flood the consumer’s own environment with the right content, leading to a better service and more transactions with a better consumer experience”.

Christopher K Humes


An App for creatives, brands, and the on demand consumer

Consumers crave to live within their screens and through it, feel the world around them. Armessa is a platform for audio and video streamers and is pro creative as well as pro consumer. We award consumers for their fandom and reward creatives for their contribution to us.

We are living in a sea of content and choice with no narration and direction

Never has it been a better time to be a consumer…and never has it been a better time to be a creative person, an artist…musician, vlogger…filmmaker….but consumers are lost in the retail space, creatives are fighting for eyes and ears. The eyes and ears are looking for guidance on their consumer journey such as music and film tourism, like events, festivals, gigs cultural happenings.

And that’s How we and through this platform us fit in..


V platform for…fans…idols…music and movies.


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