Accidentally fingered my gf in the middle of the night.


Dear people of Reddit. Last night after a long night out drinking me and my girlfriend had sex. After going to sleep we had both woken several times through the night. At one point though, I was hardly conscious and I was aroused. I began to graze my fingers by her vagina then into. She has stated several times in the past that she is not comfortable with being awoken to that type of thing due to past trauma. I completely understand that and am still unaware as to why I did this. When she had awoken she threw my hand off of her and I gained full consciousness and quickly apologized.

We talked about everything in the morning and she said she was not comfortable with that and very upset I did that. Understandably she said she wanted to sleep in a bed on her own for a few days until I figure out why I did that and how to prevent it.

So that is the question I bring you all. Did I do this just because I was aroused, or for some other reason? I have had this issue before where in the middle of the night I will just kinda thrust my bed due to arousal. I want to prevent this from happening in the future so any advice would be very appreciated!!!


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