Accidentally nursed my girlfriend, now feeling conflicted


Hey, Reddit. Something really weird happened to me and my girlfriend last night. She was upset about something and started crying, so I was trying to comfort her. I held her close and let her cry on my chest, but after a little while, I started to feel something weird happening. Without realizing it, my nipple had moved towards her mouth and she had started sucking on it!

I was kind of shocked, but also turned on, to be honest. After a few moments, she started sucking on my nipple and it felt amazing. At first, I wasn’t sure what to do, but as she continued, I started to feel really turned on. I didn’t even know that men could feel pleasure from nipple play like that. It was a completely new experience for me and I was loving it We ended up having some of the best sex we’ve ever had. But now I’m feeling conflicted. On one hand, I liked the experience, but on the other hand, I feel like it’s unmanly to breastfeed my girlfriend. Has anyone else ever been in a situation like this before?


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