[Advice] Fetish causing depression and self hatred.


Hello so Im in my late teens and have fetishes such as feet, giantess, and femdom. I’ve always had these ever since i was a child. Ik it’s wierd and I’ve already learned to come to terms with these fetishes but the problem isn’t what i’m into. The problem is what i’m NOT into.

My fantasies when I were little were always along the lines of getting stepped on, sat on, shrunk, and just submitting to a woman. I have no idea what caused this. The problem is I never developed a “normal” sexual drive. Penetrative sex doesn’t do anything for me. I thought i was asexual but I’ve always known i liked woman and I have sexual attraction to them but more like “i want them to step on my face and I want worship them.” You might think this means i’m an incel loser but im not. I am a pretty attractive guy, an athlete, and i talk to a lot of woman.

I have a girlfriend now and she knows of my fetishes and is accepting but gets nothing out of it (i didn’t expect her to). The problem is i can’t perform penetrative sex with her and i just hate myself for it. This isn’t a porn problem either. I get hard making out with her and touching her body. I even get boners just from holding her hand. But when it comes to penetrative sex it just doesn’t do anything for me. I can’t control what my penis does and i hate how my brain is. I wish i was driven to have normal sex. Maybe i can mix my fetishes in with sex but we don’t know how because we are inexperienced. She’s prob gonna end up breaking up with me. I’m just so depressed and feel like im gonna be alone forever.


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