advice for when my partner is starting to put less effort into sex


When we first started dating about 8 months ago the sex was mind blowing. He would make me finish 4-7 time back to back just by fingering and then PIV after was just unreal. I felt very lucky to find a partner that prioritized me feeling good and was able to physically make it happen. However recently it’s been going downhill. We kiss and he goes straight into fingering. No more kissing my neck, dirty talk, dominating me, etc. It feels very lazy and robotic. We also did a some kinky things like choking, spanking, hand cuffs, etc. and he doesn’t do anything kinky anymore. He is quite busy with his full time job monday-friday but even on weekends I don’t get much attention.

I guess my question is how do i communicate my concerns of him getting more lazy/low effort with sex and reignite that spark and passion we had at the start of our relationship. Or is this just a natural progression of things I need to accept as reality?


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