Advice introspective needed on dalliances in “porn cinema” in Romania


Now that things have calm down I’m making plans to meet up with this foreigner I’m talking to. He’s asking if I’m down to have public sex. And I am but I have some reservations.

He wants to take me to this theatre that plays porn and the people watching in the theatre can have sex while watching a movie. Great place for group sex apparently.

And maybe one day I’ll try that, but I’m not down for the group thing yet. I’ve had group sex before but I’ve never had public sex before. And I’m very systematic about how I try new things. I will have sex with three guys at the same time before I try having sex with four guys at the same time. No skipping any steps in the process. No exceptions.

I’m willing to have public sex in this cinema but only with him for my first time. And he’s chill with that but he does have this kink that I do want to accommodate but it’s pushing too close to a boundary. See he has this petting/caressing/stroking fetish and he wants to allow other people to touch me while he fucks me. Just touching though, he was very clear that they would only stroke my hair, brush my cheeks, and caress me maybe on the lips, cheek, and shoulders with their hands. They will not do anything to me beyond that. They will also need to ask for permission (actually ask him because I kinda wanna be gagged for this so I’d rather he do the talking) first.

And that sounds great and I totally agree with that. And I do think I can trust this guy, but will these other theatre goers really respect that rule?

I’m worried because of the things that happen to my friends. I’ve never been to a sex club (I don’t like the music) but I have these two friends that do and almost every time they come back I hear about this incident where they got licked without permission. Some rando would just lick them on their elbows or knees (one even went for the face but my friend pushed him back) and they wouldn’t get into much trouble because my friends either didn’t get a good look on who it was or only get a measly slap on wrist by the club proprietor.

I am fine with petting but I absolutely do not wanna get licked or anything other than soft touching for my first time in a porn cinema. The guy I’m talking to assures me things like that won’t happen, but guess what people at the sex club also say there’s no non-consensual touching and there are still jerks out there trying to cross every line and getting away with it.

So I dunno, I’m on the fence. This isn’t a sex club so it won’t be as rowdy and I suppose people who watch cinemas are a little more cultured than drunk people in a bar. But will it really be different?

Is anyone here a cinema goer from Romania? What’s the atmosphere there like? Would you guys really recommend the place?

Does anyone have and advice on my situation? Any comment would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.


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