advice to ease my mind


Hello everyone, recently I’ve been very depressed and anxious regarding my sexual function. I’m really not looking for criticism on my life choices, but a few years ago I (23m) decided to get a genital piercing. Fast forward a few years and I no longer have it. Since then I have come to realize that there’s some things I don’t do anymore. I don’t notice getting random erections anymore. I believe I get morning wood, but if I do it’s usually gone when I wake up. My GF (23F) claims that she notices it throughout the night/morning, which is reassuring. My reasoning for this post is because I cannot stop thinking about what I’ve done to myself. I’m worried I ruined myself in a huge way. This has caused me so much distress. With much reassurance from my gf I still cannot manage to leave it alone.

When it comes to having sex I can get erect no problem. However, I feel like it goes away in a few minutes without stimulation. I’m worried I messed up my life forever and I can’t help but miss what I had. Maybe the changes from when I had the piercing are minimal and it’s my excessive worry that exacerbates how I feel. I feel silly even typing this stuff, but it has left me in a state of duress for at least the past month.

I’m working with a urologist to see what is wrong specifically, but my hope is through the floor, as I don’t believe there’s anything I can do, but maybe that’s my depressed mindset talking. I’m terrified that I have nothing good to offer because I ruined myself. It has made me feel less cute and confident about myself. Even a year ago I didn’t feel this way. I always thought something was a little off, but when I think about not getting random erections it makes me think my blood vessels aren’t healthy and working correctly. I fear I butchered a nerve and now it’s dysfunction is what I’m dealing with now. To get the piercing I went to a experienced piercer, I didn’t do it myself.


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