am i (20f) asexual?


i (20f) am very confused. i’ve only ever kissed 2 people in my life, both when i was 19. my first kiss was a girl and we were both completely drunk and it wasn’t really even a proper make out, just a sloppy kiss at a karaoke club. my second was a proper make-out in a club with a guy.

we made out a few times on separate occasions, i’m guessing he was a virgin as well (he was very nerdy and awkward (which i like)). the last time we saw each other we were making out on my bed, and as i got more sober i realised i didn’t wanna be kissing him anymore. i was also shaking a LOT, i think out of nervousness. he started to touch my chest and i said i was tired and walked him to the door.

once he left i literally googled “am i asexual”. i didn’t really feel horny, i didn’t want to have sex with him at all but i realised i was really wet once i took off my underwear. this made me think that i’m not asexual, since i clearly got turned on enough to be wet, even though i didn’t feel turned on at all. does anyone else relate to this?

im about to be 21 and haven’t kissed anyone since this guy, a year and a half ago now. i don’t feel horny ever other than when i’m drunk, or if i make myself watch porn.


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