Am I asexual or do I have a low libido


Asexual or low libido?

Ok so I am 22F and I am having like an existential crisis about this. I don’t really have a desire to have sex with men (and def not females). I think about it sometimes and I sometimes have sex dreams but I don’t get like that urge to go and have sex. I have been on high doses of antidepressants for anxiety since I was 9 so I have never gone through being a post-puberty female not on medication. I know antidepressants can make you have low libido so I’m not sure if it’s just being on them for so long that has kinda numbed me in a way or if I am possibly asexual. I still find men attractive and feel some sort of sexual attraction, but compared to other girls I feel like I’m not normal. I’ve also only tried having sex one time when I was 19 and he like couldn’t fit it inside me which idk if that’s vaginismus or what. Please let me know your thoughts and what I should do. Thanks!


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