am i in the wrong for changing my mind?


me and my boyfriend have been intimate with eachother for about 5 months. we are eachothers first, recently we’ve been into taking pics/recording. all though we’ve only done this a couple of times, today i decided i did not want to. he asked multiple times but i made sure he knew my answer was no. i was faced away from him and i saw a flash. immediately i turned back and he put his phone down fast, im guessing he didn’t mean to have the flash on. i ignored this, dumb of me i know, but i just didn’t want to make a fuss. he left for work and he texts me on his break to not be mad and that he had taken vids. i was speechless cause i stupidly assumed it was only that one pic. idk why he would tell me this when ofc i wouldn’t be ok with it. i was dry with him, which is what i do when i’m upset, he asks if we can talk abt it later and apologizes. later that night he calls me and falls asleep otp. doesn’t ever bring the topic up until he asks y am i upset. i tell him, he says mb and starts asking why i changed my mind. he starts asking who i’m trying to hide us from, and insists that i’m the one who wanted this. i told him that i understand i said i would be down to take these type of videos but today was not the day. he says something (i’m honestly too tired to remember the exact words) but i stopped him and told him to stop making me feel like i’m overreacting. now he’s quiet and upset, am i wrong for changing my mind on recording?


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