Annoying Customer Demands Refund for Bar Cover, Accidentally Snitches on Friends Who Got in for Free – Memebase – Armessa Gifs & Memes


“Why did they get in for free? Let me fix that.” Posted by u/NotOutrageous

The comment section

Redditors in the comments applauded OP on some grade A malicious compliance.

“He also lost his remaining pride later in the night when we threw him out.” said OP, “I left this out of the story since it took place after the MC, but I’m happy to share after the fact. He was pretty pissed at me for embarrassing him in front of all his friends and he kept walking past me trying to stare me down. He would do he whole try to make you flinch thing. I refused to bite and just keep smiling. Eventually he tried to escalate things by talking trash to me. The thing is, everything he threw at me I’d already heard a 100 times before, so I just keep smiling. Since insults didn’t work, he moved in really close, like I can smell your Axe body spray close, and says ‘Why don’t we go outside and I’ll make you disappear. Your family will never know what happened to you.’ I poked my head around his and said to my partner (who was standing right behind him,) ‘he needs to go.’ (He was the muscle, I was the friendly old guy and we made a great team,) Without a word he put him in a bear hug and carried him out the door like a misbehaving toddler.” 

Read the original thread here.


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– Armessa Gifs & Memes


