Any recommendations for trying something new this weekend with my partner


Hi! IDK where to ask this… this subreddit seems to fit the best 🙂

Me (23F) and my bf (23M) are in a happy relationship for several years.

This weekend, we are interested in “trying” some stuff, and we agreed to come up with something new to have some fun.

But I am not that creative…and while I am looking forward to whatever he comes up with, I also want to prepare something new.

Any ideas that you guys recommend?
Small things (which we can try without huge involvement) are especially welcomed 🙂

Things weve tried (and quite enjoyed) Cosplay Lingerie, Facial, Imitating what is happening in a porn, etc…

Things that we aren’t gonna try : Anal, anything that results in a huge mess that will take hours of cleaning, involving other person (3way)


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