Are guys always telling the truth during sex?


I (F20) hooked up with a guy last night (M20). I was giving him head and after like 3 minutes, he was like “Wow, I’ve never came from head before, but you got me really close,” and then he did in fact come while ending that sentence. I thought it was funny timing, but he seemed a little embarrassed (or maybe annoyed because it got on his sheets). Then, when we were finally having sex, he came again pretty fast and apologized for doing it so quickly. I don’t care because I like to think I have a WAP or something (joke, kind of). But then I was thinking, and I’ve had I think 4 other guys (all between 19 and 21) tell me something along those lines. It’s been, “first time coming during it in a year,” “I haven’t been with anyone in a year,” “you made me come so fast,” “I’m sorry I finished so fast,” etc. It made me feel good at first but now I’m suspicious. Do you know if guys are only saying this to make me feel better or think I was like good, or are they like embarrassed that they came in a short time and are just making an excuse? I guess if you are a guy reading this, please let me know from your perspective. Girls, I’d like to hear your experiences. Also want to reiterate I am not shaming any of them for saying this because I like hearing it anyway and I was never judging them because I wish it was that easy for me, lol (sorry fellas)


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