Asteroid City – Playlists

ASTEROID CITY: a fictional American desert town, circa 1955. Junior Stargazers and Space Cadets from across the country …







24 responses to “Asteroid City – Playlists”

  1. Lydia Tingey Avatar

    I dont understand this film but it made me cry a little and I dont fell right 8/10

  2. tempest411 Avatar

    What a weird and wacky movie. It was awesome!

  3. Gozer The Gatekeeper Avatar

    Wes Anderson gets award for most original cinematography and mise en scene

  4. ydalina77 Avatar

    it seems so bad๐Ÿ˜…but I would watch it only for the great actors

  5. TheJeremy B Avatar

    Its got a Napoleon dynamite feel

  6. Richard Valdivia Avatar

    This movie was trying to be a Wes Anderson movie sooooo bad. Actually hated it. Also full of propaganda ,

  7. Monsiour Potato head Avatar

    How does one even begin to leave a comment on a thing such as this is.

  8. 78th&Synth Avatar

    Did I hear a bi de de bom bom? What year was that?

  9. Mark Pilkanis Avatar

    Loved it. Wes Anderson films are an experience and the actors clearly loved making this as well.

  10. PoBunny Avatar

    What is this movie bro

  11. Tim Smith Avatar

    Another pretentious movie.

    If you like this you probably love the smell of your own farts

  12. James Wilhite Avatar

    Another Gem. Wes is Terrific.

  13. Jemar Lamb Avatar

    Regardless if you liked or tolerated this movie .. u HAVE to understand fully why ppl hate it or aren't interested at all.

  14. tracy storie Avatar

    Thought it would be much better, a bit dry and monotone they all talked like robots rather disappointing not worth rewatching which usually makes a great movie very average alot a great actors but all the same stiff indifference mode bold try but border line flop

  15. Kiri Chamberlin Avatar

    "You're the wife who played my actress".

  16. Jamall Avatar

    If i could describe Wes Anderson's work in 3 words it'll be. Bizarre, Whimsical, and Quirky

  17. Torunaga Avatar

    feels very Fantastic Mr Fox. i dig it

  18. skyblaster55 Avatar

    Never commented on a movie before – Super garbage, characters don't even know what it's about. Waste of life and time.

  19. Amanda Leininger Avatar

    Why? Why did this cost me $20?

  20. Miguel Serrano Avatar


  21. Dan Carter Avatar

    absolutely wonderful both aesthetically very appealing and cognately stimulating . Destin to become not a crowd favorite but a cult classic. Almost feel like I am back in theater arts class in university learning about Stanislavski. Both mind expanding and mind blowing at the same instant. Not a gut grabbing tail like pulp fiction but a serene experience.