At what point do I need to accept that he’s not sexually attracted to me


My husband (23M) and I (23F) didn’t have sex before marriage. We got married about 1.5 months ago. He’s had a number of issues getting or staying hard, like probably once every 3-4 times we try to have sex. Sometimes he can’t get it up at all, sometimes he can and we’ll start to have sex but then he’ll go soft and we can’t continue.

This has been really hard on my self esteem, and it feels like it’s only increasing in frequency. I’ve asked him so many times if he’s not attracted to me, if it’s something I’m doing, etc and every time he insists that that’s not an issue. He is fairly fit/goes to the gym and we aren’t overweight so I don’t necessarily think it’s a medical problem. It happened again last night and I just broke down crying; it makes me feel so ugly and unwanted. Despite what he tells me, I feel that it’s because of a lack of attraction. At what point do I confront him and tell him that this is what I believe to be true?


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