Atlanta Indie Rockers The Future Babes Share New Song ‘Every Step I Take’ @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Atlanta’s The Future Babes are thrilled to release their new single, “Every Step I Take,” out via Madison Records. It’s an upbeat, fun track with a nod to the sounds of The Black Keys and Weezer, including catchy guitar riffs and infectious vocal melodies. The track’s over-the-top music video, directed by Nick Rhodes, features America’s favorite food – the hot dog.

Guitarist and vocalist Carson Fleischman, while speaking on the origins and theme of the song said, “I started writing this song in 2018. I got about halfway through and then got stuck and eventually forgot about it. Fast forward a couple years, and I’m struggling to write anything. When this happens, I usually go back through my iPhone notes and see if there’s anything that sticks out. I still liked the opening riff and the chorus I had, so I went with it.

With (a lot of) help from Ian, we were able to piece together the lyrics and a rough demo to show the rest of the band and Madison Records. The song continued to evolve, and I’m incredibly proud of what we were able to turn it into. We’re all incredibly excited to share this song with you as well as the accompanying music video (directed by Nick Rhodes) which showcases just how many jokes you can make about a hot dog.”

Carson Fleischman, Ian Klin, and McClain Hendon were in high school when they first began writing and recording together. The three played around Atlanta and the southeast for years and eventually released their self-titled debut EP in 2016. The single “Cold Blooded” was featured on radio stations across the U.S., including KROQ-Los Angeles, KXRN-Laguana Beach, 99X-Atlanta, KACV-Amarillo, KJEE-Santa Barbara, as well as stations in Germany and more! With the initial success of the EP, the band toured relentlessly, and was invited to play at the 30A Songwriters Festival in Florida.

As various members began attending different colleges and working different jobs, the band continued writing songs and recording demos. After the Covid lockdowns, the band re-grouped and was ready to start recording their new songs. They jumped into Madison Studios with producers Tanner Hendon and Wyatt Oates to record the new material. With so many new songs and an evolving sound, the process was new and fresh, but time consuming. Eventually, the group got 18 new songs recorded.

Now in 2023, The Future Babes are back and are better than ever! Adding in bassist Dustin Williams and guitarist Dylan Berresford into the mix, the band is performing shows and will be touring to support their string of new releases, starting with “Every Step I Take.”

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