Aurora Dream Releases New Single “Comfy” (Ft. Ichika Nito) To All Major Platforms! @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Miami-based instrumental math rock project Aurora Dream has just released a new single and music video titled “Comfy” featuring the immensely talented and well-known guitarist from Japan, Ichika Nito. The track is a fusion of various genres including progressive rock, math rock, pop, disco and modern production. The song is a follow-up to their most recent single “A New Infinite,” that featured Australian guitarist Plini and his bassist Simon Grove.

“Comfy” was produced by Randy Slaugh, mixed by Simon Grove, and mastered by Venezuelan engineer Moises D’ Bello. The keys and synths were arranged and played by Eric Guenther from The Contortionist, with bass performed by Magnus Steed and drums played by Chris Allison from Plini. Through this track, founder and Venezuelan guitarist Daniel Morales showcases his impressive guitar skills, including complex riffs, tapping, and melodic layers. This not only highlights his own artistry but also displays the true potential of Aurora Dream.

The music video for “Comfy” was created by 4102 Productions, and it features visual elements that reference the art style of Venezuelan artist Cruz Diez, a nod to Morales’ home country. The album’s color theme and other visual aspects were combined with this art style to create a visually stunning and psychedelic experience.

Producer Randy Slaugh and Eric Guenther collaborated on the track, adding unique production layers that added more dimension to the music and made it much more interesting and dynamic. The result is a catchy and enjoyable track that will appeal music fans from various genres and not just from the prog rock, metal, and guitar world.

“Comfy” is an impressive track that showcases Aurora Dream’s musical prowess, highlighting their unique blend of different genres that continues to innovate push the boundaries of guitar music. The music video adds another layer to the experience, making it visually stunning and a must-see for fans across the genre.

This single is now available for streaming and download on all major music platforms. “I have to say, the process of writing “Comfy” was such a blast. I really didn’t overthink it too much – it all came together very naturally. I wasn’t trying to create something that was super technical or overly progressive. I just wanted to write something fun, with interesting elements slowly added in as I went along. This track is titled “Comfy” because it references a time where I finally felt comfortable and happy after going through a long period of depression and personal struggles during the end of 2018 and early 2019, a time in my life where I also decided to start writing the first Aurora Dream album,” says Daniel.

He adds, _”I feel so grateful to have had the chance to collaborate with such talented people, including Ichika Nito, who brought his iconic writing skills and angelic sound to the track, taking my music to a whole other level. Working with Randy Slaugh, Simon Grove, Mangus Steed, Chris Allison, and Eric Guenther was also a pretty amazing experience where I learned a lot of things. I can’t wait to release Aurora Dream’s first full-length album. I truly believe it’s my best work yet, and I’m so excited to share it with the world. It’s going to be a really exciting listening experience, showcasing my vision as an artist and the incredible musicality that comes from all of my collaborators – including some really familiar faces from the guitar world. Stay tuned!”

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