Avatar: The Way of Water – Playlists

Avatar: The Way of Water reaches new heights and explores undiscovered depths as James Cameron returns to the world of …







41 responses to “Avatar: The Way of Water – Playlists”

  1. Janie Miller Avatar

    Can we all say number 3 is I the works as we speak?! 😂❤❤❤❤❤

  2. William Mack Avatar

    Can’t afford this stuff, I live under a bridge 🌉 eating 🥣 rats 🐀 and worms 🪱 very delicious 🤤 ooo, I would invest you to dinner, but my friend are greedy they might eat you oops.

  3. noodle Avatar

    I love that they’ve used sign language to communicate under water and in other moments😭❤️

  4. Lamont R Bundy Avatar

    I just heard that Avatar 3 was pushed back until 2025😢

  5. ROBERT PUNU Avatar

    heard that this movie bombed at the theaters. I've got good news. God is good because He gives His blessings to everyone, whether they be good or bad. but everyone has at least, told a lie, or stolen something in their life. and that makes them sinners, and God will not allow sin to enter heaven; into His presence, because He is holy. so, God has to punish the sinners in hell, because God is severe, wrathful and just. but God is also loving and merciful. so, all of God's attributes, His goodness, holiness, justice, severity/wrath, plus His love and mercy, must all work together in harmony, without one attribute negating or lessening another. that's why Jesus Christ, who is fully man and fully God, and lived a sinless life, was found worthy to be sacrificed on the cross for our sakes (because paying for our own sins means an eternity in hell). and here are the steps to receiving this gift; to be saved:

    1. admit that you're a sinner and are lost.

    2. realize that the penalty of sin is death (hell).

    3. believe that Jesus (who is God) died on the cross, was buried, then rose from the grave, to pay the penalty for man's past, present, and future sins.

    4. trust Christ alone as your Savior, and not on your own good deeds to get you to heaven (nor a combination of faith and your self-righteous works).

    5. pray to God NOW that you're following these steps because if you die before making this decision, it will be too late for you.

  6. Jarrod Yuki Avatar

    gold palladium iridium rhodium platinum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Jarrod Yuki Avatar

    istp everyone is 3 connections away. i ahvve 9accords with roomates 64 accords with mom and three accords with the hoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Jarrod Yuki Avatar

    palaptine is immortal because he controls both the light and dark side…………………………..midichlorian manipulation……………..

  9. Jarrod Yuki Avatar

    s-o+++ cross section!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! statistical independence.

  10. Jarrod Yuki Avatar

    s-o++ corss section topics at the end of this movie.

  11. Jarrod Yuki Avatar

    s-o+++ statistical independence……………………………………………………..

  12. Jarrod Yuki Avatar

    create life future and tools create and withdraw entities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Gloria Rivera Avatar

    Gracias youtuve. Muy buenas pelicula

  14. Brandon Gray Avatar

    I saw the first one when I was onky 7 years old. 13 years later I watched this in theaters and felt like i was with my step dad back home watching it in theaters. Damn don't i feel old

  15. Jarrod Yuki Avatar

    I have 9 accords with the rommayes 64 accords with mom and three accords with the hoa!!!!!!!!!!! And four chores!!!!

  16. Daniel Vincent Avatar

    There was definitely a lot of emotion and battle in the movie, but I appreciate the differences in appearance between the different clans. You can tell that Jake’s family are clear outsiders based on appearance but also in ability too, yet- the people of the water accepted them regardless. One of the best moments in the movie I think.

  17. Abnormally Large Monkey Avatar

    i was hoping they execute spider for sabatoge

  18. miss megan h Avatar

    been an avatar fan since i was 7 years old thanks to my dad and his collectors edition of the first movie he got in 2010.

  19. Nyagoa  Avatar

    imma be honest I’ve watched this like almost 10 times and I hate spider 😭😭

  20. Filmmaker Avatar

    Great sound effects!

  21. JZL-Arkerivon Avatar

    The Battle continues…..

  22. JZL-Arkerivon Avatar

    Then let’s get it done

  23. Reese Craven Avatar

    I never thought I’d say it, but I’m kinda looking forward to the next Avatar sequel. It’s weird, because I know these movies play it safer than our feeble human brains can even comprehend, but just look at it! We’re practically guaranteed to see “the most visually stunning movie ever made” every time another Avatar sequel comes out, so I’m up for it! Also, it’s fun to hate Stephen Lang. He’s such a great villain. They better not kill him off until the very end!

  24. Zane Abreu Avatar

    I only wish my younger sister could see this with me

  25. Dene Middleton36 Avatar

    Im obsessed with this movie its so good.

  26. Rodger Avatar

    Horrible movie. It’s just a cartoon. Computer.this was even worse than the first. James is a douche bag

  27. Reginald Carter II Avatar

    Anyone else had problems wit Youtube Movies ? I have this movie on my phone and it no longer works. I play this movie on my computer and it only can go up to 480p. All my Youtube movies are like this.

  28. war-knock Avatar

    See you guys in 20 years when the next one comes out

  29. war-knock Avatar

    This motion picture definitely checked all the boxes. Definitely one of the best films in my opinion

  30. corpsevibes Avatar

    I really was wrong about this film I was definitely caught off guard on how great this movie was.


    Fast from pork red meat chicken three weeks drink oats barley then ephdrea tea before swimming out be sure to stretch.

  32. Archie Bernard Avatar

    muchas gracias. Eres tan maravilloso para dar este gran regalo.

  33. Andrew K. Avatar

    This movie look dumb as hail

  34. Sgt. Shotgun Avatar

    Ooooooo da Wales give them #1 box office

  35. Frank🥸 Avatar

    I’ve watched 5 1/2 times now😭

  36. Frank🥸 Avatar

    This is one of the best movies 😮😮