Bad at foreplay and can’t make my girlfriend cum


I’ve always thought kissing was one of the main acts in foreplay. The problem is my girlfriend doesn’t like kissing (only pecks), so we can’t really go far down that route.

A lot of the time while we’re lying in bed together, I use my hand to explore all around her body and kiss around her neck.

With regards to fingering, I’m not quite sure how to do it properly. I start with using just my middle finger, and doing the come here motion. Then I use 2 fingers.

There are times she is already wet, but I’ve never been able to make her cum the six months we’ve been together.

I feel really bad and really want to learn how to make her orgasm, but there’s so many books out there that it’s confusing who to listen to and trust.

I know every girl is different, but I really need some advice even if it is generic. I eventually want to make her cum, and the shit thing is it takes me 30-50 minutes to cum and it’s vanilla sex the whole way. Though she’s down 95% of the time I have asked her to have sex.

I feel bad for her. Where can I go to learn properly? Cheers.


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