bf has an interesting kink


I F30 have been dating my bf 34 for 2 months now. We have just recently started having a sexual relationship. I am not really sure if this is a kink or not but I’d like to understand it some bc it is baffling to me.

So my bf has some serious anxiety issues and recently asked me if I’d do something for him. He basically just wanted me to sit on his erection. Not have sex or anything just piv sitting there.

He said we can talk about anything I want didn’t have to be sexual, we could cuddle, whatever I wanted to do.

So we just cuddled for a while and talked about things we want to do in life and our relationship and future stuff. Honestly it was really a nice conversation but felt odd because I was cuddling him with a very erect penis just inside me doing nothing.

I asked him what he liked about what we were doing and he said it is just nice feeling and relaxing/ comforting.

He did seem a lot more relaxed afterward so I mean I guess it works for him and I wouldn’t mind doing it again but would like to know if that’s an actual thing and if someone could explain it to me bc I don’t really get it.

I realize guys can get an erection for lots of reasons that are not explicitly sexual but I’ve never had someone have an erection and want me to sit on it but not have sex.

Just curious

Edit- sorry my dog did something dumb so I’m just now reading the comments. Thanks everyone for the explanations. It makes a little more sense now.


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