Bf loved anal, hasn’t suggested it since?


My bf & I have been together for 4 years, tried all kinds of stuff, but not anal. We both really wanted to try it out, but were too freaked out. I was a complete virgin before him, he’s had several partners, but never a “decent anal”. I “gifted” it for his birthday around 2 weeks ago, we were both super drunk and it went super smoothly. Used condom, lube, there was no mess at all, I cleaned up thoroughly before. During the process, he was obviously super-enjoyng it. The morning after he told me he thought it was a dream when he woke up, and hugged me tightly, thanking me. Now, I’ve been hinting him almost every day since, even directly asking “don’t you want the other way?” (during vaginal intercourse), and he’s been like “yes, I love it”, still, not proceeding to do it. At this point I think he didn’t really like it? But I’m not sure how, since during the process he was definitely enjoying it. Any advice from the men of the reddit? Possible causes? We’ve been having sex as usual after the event – almost daily, vaginal, bj, etc.

Update: talked it out, he was just afraid of pressuring me. Thanks to all of you guys, the prophecy has been fulfilled 🙏🏻


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