Big George Foreman – Playlists

The miraculous story of the once and future heavyweight champion of the world is based on the remarkable true story of one of the …







32 responses to “Big George Foreman – Playlists”

  1. 9pm “King” Go 2 sleep Avatar

    My Father always told me about the Boxer George Foreman

    But I finally found out the story about the Man 🫡

  2. Caroline Avatar

    I LOVED this movie! I’ve always been a fan but this movie you really get to see and appreciate him. Great movie!❤❤❤❤

  3.  Cod Richiie Avatar

    This movie sucks

  4. Jose Antonio Delgado Avatar

    You must admire this iconic living legendary idol 🫡💯!

  5. @thattargetedboy Avatar

    I was better off in the streets than in my current household if I can't have peace in the streets nor at home I rather not have peace in the streets than to not have piece at home my mom don't like me specifically at all I don't care I'm getting the f out of here sooner or later I'm not going to change for nobody if you ain't like me the problem is about you not about me don't have to give out no explanation to no one or much less proof anything to anybody about who's in the right and who's in the wrong

  6. D Nied Avatar

    He might be old and slow but, God Damn if he didn't hit like a Freight Train!

  7. Eric Avatar

    I always liked George. I would like to meet him one day.

  8. Hillbilly Bop Avatar

    Why didn’t they use at least talk about his crossed arm defense? Strange

  9. Santino Avatar

    Great Movie! I enjoyed it!!!

  10. Jay Bee Avatar

    Great movie and a classic Sampson style comeback story! 🎉

  11. dawoool Avatar

    Does anybody know if Holyfield was paid for the real footage of his fight with Foreman being used in the movie?

  12. Ryan Davis Avatar

    Iwhat a disappointment

  13. Ryan Davis Avatar

    The adversary the devil himself

  14. Ryan Davis Avatar

    You want to know why they don't tell the whole truth? Because Lucifer is the top of their Pyramid

  15. Ryan Davis Avatar

    Classic Hollywood to leave out the most important part of the movie, when he died he saw the world drop out before him, millions of people trapped in hell, spoke to the creator of the Earth, Woke up speaking in tongues w.ith the holy ghost given to him as a gift. Hollywood don't want you know in the truth

  16. Tailor Foreman Avatar

    Omg, I'm so excited for this movie. Finally I get to see the man story outside of the grills. People always ask me if we have any relation lol but nope.

  17. Bdg. Hitman Avatar

    Ali died from a condition that is created from taking to many blows to the head bro he could weave like a mfk now that nobody can take from him but he also took his good share of punches as well as dished out beyond plenty

  18. Andrew Rosales Avatar

    My father lives by Evander Holyfield wifes old house

  19. Justin Collett Avatar

    Wow. I had no clue this was his story.

  20.  Dante Green Avatar

    Why did I ever have the premonition George Foreman was Muhammad Ali's Dad's Friend or something?Lol I need a book Fa real. Aaahhh😅,?

  21. TalkingParty Avatar

    Respect to the dude who played Ali

  22. Javon Threatt Avatar

    Good movie. Somebody's cutting onions in here

  23. Walt Godek Avatar

    I have the movie on DVD that Is distributed with the deleted scenes. The scenes with Sonny Liston should never have been deleted. They are powerful and in fact The relationship George had with Sonny and his handlers had a direct affect on the fight plan to handle Ali.
    When Ali beat Liston twice they fought in the center of the ring George trained to catch Ali on the ropes and when Ali went right to the ropes. This was a complete surprise and wrecked Formans fight plan. With this criticism out of the way, this is an excellent film. It is a do not miss movie that will stand the test of time.

  24. Kameka Mcgaw Avatar

    Really good movie enjoyed it 😊

  25. Stan Avatar

    Why no highlights? They freezing this channel from the next level.

  26. Bob the Rat Terrier w/ MiMi & Pop Avatar

    He’s awesome always has been

  27. Austin Perkins Avatar

    If you lived it, but weren't paying too close attention, for whatever reason, some blanks just might get filled in. And that is rarely a bad thing. A rare perspective about a legendary man. Foreman NOT Poorman!

  28. Brave Soul Avatar

    I could not believe I missed this in the theatres😢

  29. SistaSouldier777 Avatar

    The deception in this movie pertaining to the church God led him to. It makes it seem like he learned about street ministry and even the name of his church from other things than what is actually yhe truth. Smh. I shouldn't be shocked though.