Bill & Ted Face The Music – Playlists

The stakes are higher than ever for the time-traveling exploits of William “Bill” S. Preston, Esq. (Alex Winter) and Theodore “Ted” …







25 responses to “Bill & Ted Face The Music – Playlists”

  1. Cliff Campbell Avatar

    I still don't understand quantum super position.

  2. Stephen Smith Avatar

    I have never see such a WOKE movie ever til now. Disappointed…

  3. RUDEST BEAST Avatar

    i keep expecting reeves to pistol whip someone

  4. @saijfqwefqwf Avatar

    no taylor swift?! She must of been too expensive!

  5. Onnie Koski Avatar

    I hope they get that whole “going to hell” thing worked out…

  6. Eli Mr173R Morris Avatar

    What a woke disaster

  7. Adriana Olvera Ortiz Avatar

    Your hair KEANU cut your hair.

  8. Gabe Miller Avatar

    Love❤❤ watch Bill and Ted's excellent adventure movie from ( 1991) ! I'm so glad that they made a sequel of Bill and Ted's excellent adventure in Bill and Ted's bogus journey and now this movie of Bill and Ted 's Face The Music ( 2020)! Keanu Reeves is a awesome actor in this movie and Alex Winter too in this film 👍 👍👍 ! Party on, dudes !!! Thank you for having this movie on YouTube for free to watch!!

  9. Jose Lugo Avatar

    This Movie Is Only For Hardcore Fans Who God Gave Rock To You 😈🤘🥰🥰🤪😈😎💯🤣.

  10. D Avatar

    Wow, this was garbage absolute garbage. Anybody who actually watched this whole movie is a 1000 times more stupid now.

  11. Darrin Forderer Avatar

    Kick ass movie, found it by accident glad I did. Great work to all.

  12. JESTR Avatar

    only thing keanu cant do, is act bad..

  13. 24/7 Avatar

    Is Dennis supposed to be a future cyborg Death?

  14. Grim Reaper Avatar

    Excellent Adventure was the very first movie I ever saw in a theater. Bill and Ted hold a special place.😀

  15. Steven Eaton Avatar

    To think this movie originally started as inspiration to make kids, not turn into burnouts and drop out of high school.😂

  16. wishmakr Avatar

    As far as a sequel being made in the woke era, it was better than it should have been.

  17. Randall Fallin Avatar

    does anyone else ever think about the end of bogus journey and they played "God Gave Rock n Roll to you" a KISS song but they played it so good and the whole world was singing along, im gonna go watch that now

  18. WireyCoyoté Avatar

    Oh. Oh, yea, no. No, no. Absolutely not.

  19. Gilligan williams Avatar

    This movie does a very good job at showing how music has not only effected the past but also the present and how it could effect the future.

  20. mars mars Avatar

    WOW John Wick should be ashamed the WOE in this is overpowering and SMELLS! BAD!

  21. Reharl Avatar

    Can't have any male protagonists accomplishing anything in modern media, can we? They basically retconned the whole narrative so they could replace the men with women. Also, notice how the entire cousel of elders is comprised of women? No social engineering there.

    What an absolutely cringe pile of garbage.

  22. Edward Hernandez Avatar

    Not a bad Blues Brothers remake

  23. W Avatar

    Woke he she added pass for me

  24. Kelli Leane Riley Avatar

    Another one of them weird ass coincidences, a bitch named Kelly trying to save the planet through fucking music 🤣😂🤣🤪