Birth control ruined my ability to cum, has this happened to anyone else?


A while into taking it, I stopped being able to cum and lost my libido.

Well, I’m still cumming, apparently – I shake and have butthole contractions (which feel really weird without the usual nice feeling in the vagina/vaginal contractions) but nothing else.

My vagina is totally numb when it happens, and I’ve lost about 80% of the sensation in my clit, even when I’m close. The feeling either gets less and less and I hit a dead end (basically my body is edging itself), or I feel not much at all for a while and then I end up having butthole contractions and shaking.

Why the heck can’t I feel pleasure despite cumming??? And why doesn’t my vagina contract? Is it broken??? 😭

I quit it a few days ago and so far, nothing. I know I’m being impatient but honestly, I’m scared I won’t get the ability to cum or my libido back.


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