Bleeding after prolonged sex breaks


I’ve been having this issue when I’ve dated someone and had sex, I start to bleed. It ususally happens during the second round when we have sex for the first time. I am not a person who casually sleeps around or dates a lot, but when I meet someone I like I start a sexual relationship with them. But it may take a year or two between having sex (not an issue for me). I use birth control, which makes me bleed a lot less than when I’m off it. To me, it feels like because I bleed so much less and it takes a while between sex, when they penetrate they sort of open up for “clogged” blood to come out. The guy has taken it well, but it is kinda annoying that this happens every time I meet someone new. Puts a stop to the act as they get worried. Is this normal and is it a way to prevent it? Do I need to use a dildo or something to help “unclog” the blood during sexual breaks?


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