Blue Beetle Soundtrack Album Released -Playlists


I’d like to talk to you about the soundtrack album created by Bobby Krlic that was released on August 18, 2023. The album consists of a total of 31 tracks and has a listening time of approximately 86 minutes.

I just finished listening to the album and wanted to share my thoughts while they’re still fresh. There are two main reasons we can categorize this album as a soundtrack. First, it has been used in a cinema film, and second, it features cinematic percussion along with a substantial amount of orchestral elements.

I must mention that the album leans towards an electronic style, and to be honest, I find it unlikely that the orchestral elements were recorded live. It’s so monotonous that the orchestra truly starts to bore you involuntarily while listening.

Furthermore, there’s a nod to John Williams in the album. You’ll notice that a stanza of the well-known “Imperial March” from Star Wars appears quite prominently in a few places.

Now, is there anything positive about the album? Of course, there is. While I can’t say the album has been meticulously crafted musically, the sound design is a different story. It’s evident that a lot of thought has gone into mixing and the electronic components’ sounds. However, a harmonious synthesis with the orchestral elements still seems to be lacking. The orchestral parts feel raw and inadequate in many places.

Considering that the film revolves around a Latin superhero, it’s quite intriguing that there’s no trace of Latin culture in the album. Adding a couple of Latin rhythms could have added some flavor to the album. Still, let’s give credit where it’s due – there are two Spanish-language songs at the end of the album. However, one can be characterized as big band style, while the other leans towards Latin rock. In other words, it’s still not quite there.

In summary, evaluating this album as a complete film score is challenging. I don’t think the soundtrack genre should be underestimated, as it’s not merely about cinematic drums and a couple of strings. Personally, I didn’t come across an impressive composition throughout the album, unfortunately.

Overall, if I were to score it, considering the sound design, I’d give it a maximum of 5/10.

I’m curious about your thoughts and comments. What do you think?


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