Bomb City (TV Edit) – Playlists

A crime-drama, about the cultural aversion of a group of punk rockers in a conservative Texas town.








22 responses to “Bomb City (TV Edit) – Playlists”

  1. Asa Macabre Avatar

    The justice system is broken the clean cut conformists are still getting away with murder.

  2. Julio Moreno Avatar

    PUNKS NOT DEAD!!!!!!!

  3. Edward Hernandez Avatar

    If this happened in 97, Just imagine what Amarillo is like today. Same goes for San Angelo and any other town in between!! Those social divisions still remain.

  4. MACFLIPZ Avatar

    The Football team started the conflicts every single time.

  5. MACFLIPZ Avatar

    Makes me sick knowing that this was not justice. Dustin Camp doesn't deserve to live. RIP BRIAN DENKE

  6. Lonewolf 3% Avatar

    Yeah that's about the size of criminal system!! No justice when criminal's run the system!! Look at Michael Jackson, Jeffery Epstein, Obama, Hillary Clinton, Anthony Wiener pedo Joe and family!! The list goes on!!!

  7. Maxine Perez Avatar

    Moral of story if you got the money fuck everything else fuck family's grieving he got ran over yet dies horrible death while still running for his life

  8. Don Brewer Avatar

    Gess I better skip this one

  9. Skull rose Avatar

    Rip brain denke lol like him lot he my favorite guy lol I’m skull rose lol

  10. wayne stuart Avatar

    punk will never die

  11. KEAT SHADOWS Avatar

    After the trial, Dustin Camp, the clean-cut Cadillac-driving football player had parole violations and ended up serving five years in prison.

  12. Todd Adams Avatar

    its interresting these kids in texas didnt just shoot each other

  13. Rudyard Kipling Avatar

    I beat the shit out of all the 'jocks' 3 at once on one occasion the spirit of war was strong then, never started a fight in my life, but I loved them and would finish them, one died stabbed by his own knife, have no clue how it happened, but they jumped me, he pulled it so well fuck em'

  14. twin valley spirit Avatar

    So stupid bleeping out random words. Stop the WORDS! That's what's wrong… it's the fing words, delete the words! Punx not dead!

  15. Seniko Usenia Avatar

    ~That's "NOT" Right,.
    ..And It Happens Over And Over, All The Time,
    With Less Severe Endings,.. But The Cigarette
    Smoking, Non-Exercising, Alcohol Consuming
    Pot Smoking, Pills/Drug Taking, Out Of Health,
    And Out Of Shape Person, Gets It,. By A Group
    Of Conditioned, Healthy Genetic Juicing Jocks

    ( Was A "GOOD" Presentation, Of A Very Sad, And
    -Realistic TRUTH, Alive An Existing In Our Society
    -TODAY,..Much Rest For The Family & Friends, And
    -Much PEACE,. For NO Words Can EVER Ease That
    -Pain, ..Existing Inside! ) *REST In PEACE, Eternally..

  16. Ann Wilkiemeyer Avatar

    Back Off of Brian Deneke. He was A great Guy

  17. Flippin Random Avatar

    I demand a different ending. BS

  18. Flippin Random Avatar

    Kind of like Friday Night Lights and The Outsiders rolled into one

  19. john gillespie Avatar

    texas football, more important than god. Punks not dead. RIP Brian Denke.

  20. Bortoman Khobor Avatar

    Very sad story….

  21. T F Avatar

    Ain't no point if it's TV edited and is MA, it would be different if it was pg13/TV 14