Bored during sex w/ husband


To start off, I would like to say that I absolutely love and adore my husband.

He is a passionate lover and actually kinda worships me. He is a romantic. Enjoys the passion of kissing and heat of the moment. I am on the other hand, more of a “fuck” type of girl. I enjoy the kinks and taboos. He is not like that at all. We have been married for 12 years, 4 children and our relationship is as strong as ever. However, I am getting bored sexually. I have tried to explain to him that I want to explore more sexually but it’s like talking to a wall. I am worried if I keep pressing the subject that he will think that I am not sexually attracted to him anymore which is not the case.

I recently brought up to my husband about sexting random strangers. (No pictures, no personal information involved) He kind of laughed it off and moved on… I want to ask him if he would be okay with that. But then I feel selfish. I mean at the end of the day I could just secretly do it. What’s the point if he watches porn?

I would love advice from those that have been married for 10+ years. How did you keep your sex life from getting boring?


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