Boyfriend can only cum if I stimulate his ass?


New account because we both use reddit, we have been dating for 2 years now and we have a pretty good relationship and sex life was always very active since we started dating, but I realized that in 2 years he only came like 5 times with PIV sex only. He lasts a long time so I cum pretty much 95% of the times we have sex, but I can only make him cum if I stimulate his ass for a while and then we do PIV and he cums, without this stimulation he can’t cum.

I know the right thing to do would be have a conversation with him about this which I’m going to do, but I’m just starting to feel a bit self conscious about this now because of the possibility of me not being enough in bed for him to cum? Or is this due to the fact that he’s just focused on the fact that he knows that I will do it and it makes his orgasm more satisfying so he just waits for that?

I’m posting to see some male or even female perspectives on someone that has gone through this and if it’s “normal” so my brain stops obsessing that it might be me that is not good enough.


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