Boyfriend got annoyed that I didn’t want to swallow?


Ok, so for context, I struggle to swallow cum because of an incident that occurred with my ex. I don’t want to share too many details but this guy that I briefly dated, peed in my mouth whilst I was giving him head, with no warning. Me who was unsuspecting, swallowed his pee, as I initially associated it with cum. This experience was horrible. I learned pretty quickly after we broke up that I no longer could swallow cum because of this.

I’m currently dating a guy. He knew pretty early into our relationship that I’m uncomfortable swallowing cum, I’ve also explained the reason why, because I felt insecure about the fact that I have to awkwardly spit it out every time I give him head. He always pretty much insisted that it’s fine, he didn’t care and it didn’t impact the sexual experience for him at all.

Well last night, we were joking around. He wanted to go to bed and I wanted to watch one more episode of a show that was on. I tease and say something along the lines of ‘I’ll do anything for one more epsiode’. He laughed and asked if I would give him head, until he cums and I swallow.
I joked back and it was funny at first but he ended up telling me that he wants me to actually swallow. I awkwardly explain that I’m sorry and that i wish I could but i can’t and I don’t want to risk vomiting. He tells me that he feels like he’s missing out on something because I’ve swallowed cum before with other guys. I got super stressed and confused, as he genuinely sounded annoyed, and it escalated so fast. He also explained that he feels as though it’s unfair that they had gotten to experience that, while he doesn’t get to.

Honestly I’m just feeling a little uncomfortable and uneasy. Not sure if I’m just being over dramatic though. Idk it just felt like he was pushing a sexual boundary but could just be feeling confronted 🙁 help


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