Boyfriend having trouble keeping it up


As the title says my BF (31M) is having issues maintaining an erection during PIV. He can get one during foreplay but as soon as he puts it inside it goes flaccid. He’s tried viagra (50mg) with some mixed results. He says he’ll go to go to the GP in the next couple of weeks but part of me now thinks its mental and a bit of embarrassment that he can’t keep it up. Does anyone have any advice of things I can do/say to help him? Especially if it’s more mental than physical as I think the shame and embarrassment is making the medication useless. I HAVE IN NO WAY MADE ANY REMARKS TO MAKE HIM FEEL EMBARRASSED but I know he’s feeling it even with my support.

Point to add:
No money worries, work stress or family/friend drama stressing him out


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