Brothers in Arms – Playlists

Charlie Sheen narrates a documentary about the making of Platoon, the award winning, non-union, low budget film cast with …







7 responses to “Brothers in Arms – Playlists”

  1. Guillermo Garcia Avatar

    Another Hollywood film. I'm quite content that Hollywood with its not so very nice small group of wealthy impostors calling themselves, celebrities, stars, artists, etc. Very soon in the near future will be ignored, forgotten. As new people are being born daily and as the generations come up with new ideas. Hollywood with its arrogance and pride will be passed on. I have friends and family members that participated in different wars. they told me the reality of what they went through. Hollywood portraits itself as though they really care for our veterans, but the reality speaks for itself. Its not about anyone but for the self interest of Hollywood making millions of dollars for themselves while making this films. Charlie Sheen narrating this film is absolutely ridiculous. The only reason he's in Hollywood, its because of his father.

  2. Hobbit Homes Avatar

    LBFMs, San Miguels! DU MA. It was hard for me to watch this movie the first time but I find myself watching it again every few years and focus more ont eh deatails and the relationships and am llike "ya, I kew that guy" or "did this done that wore hoels in the t shirt.

  3. VEYRON Avatar

    platoon was awesome & thnx u for bringing us this insight al;most as good as the movie well done

  4. Jimi Ray Avatar

    An excellent documentary. As interesting as the movie was. Well worth the watch.

  5. Maurice Ortiz Avatar

    The only other film that left me more speechless than Platoon was The Killing Fields.

  6. Funk Worth Rollin Avatar

    The Ages 3030. Hi to my kids. Romen. Arya. Mber. 7-19-2023. I love you-all.