Burning after piss?


This has been an issue that I (20m) have dealt with for years even when I was a virgin. It also happens completely randomly, it can and has not happened for spans all the way up to almost a year, so I don’t think its an STD due to how inconsistently it occurs. But sometimes when I go to pee, mainly after ejaculating, my urethra will sometimes have this burning sensation that usually lasts 10-20 minutes. It feels like the only way to relieve it is pissing more, so I usually will sit on the toilet and piss as much as I can hoping the burning stops. I’ve noticed it is relieving to pee, but once I finish peeing, the burning starts again. Its kind of like when you eat something spicy, you drink water to relieve it. As your drinking it it feels relieving but once you stop drinking the water it burns again. Its fairly painful but mostly just uncomfortable. I would imagine if this happens in a social setting I would have to be camping out on the toilet for a bit, because its so uncomfortable that others would notice my discomfort. Can someone please explain to me what this is and maybe a way to treat or fix it? Luckily its not an everyday issue but when it does happen, it sucks so badly.


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