Can anyone else relate to completely missing out on a fun sex life while younger, but hoping to make up for it later?


For context I’m a 31 year old hetero male and didn’t lose my virginity or even have my first kiss until I was 27. To date, I still have never had a girlfriend or relationship before and feel immense FOMO for that.

Over the years as I’ve gotten older, sometimes I’ll think about everything I missed out on that most kids take advantage of while they’re young ya know. I was that nerdy ‘werid’ kid that no one would give the time of day and I was always bullied and treated like borderline garbage. One of my only friends from high school was the classic conventionally attractive player that got all the girls in school, got invited to parties and I’d just have to watch him live his best life.

Even though I still have a good job/career, I never went to college either so never experienced normal social parties, sex or anything fun. Never even went to a school dance. 🥲

Now that I’m a much more extroverted and a well-put together dude, I’m hoping to find my special person I can have a adventurous sex life with.

Ya know, just basic shit like car sex, or getting a blowjob under the desk while playing a game or strip poker or having a risqué quicky before going to work…idk. I’m just making stuff up at this point.

Maybe I just live too vicariously through this subreddit and hear about all the fun and healthy couples enjoying their sex lives, but has anyone else experienced major FOMO like this?


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