Can “just friends” talk about sex in detail?


Hey all, I’m seeking general advice and discussion but I’m also in this specific situation: I (M30) have a coworker (F35) turned close friend who discusses everything with me including our mental health, history etc and recently sex lives (A LOT).

Sometimes I feel like we are playing with fire and I wonder if it can be part of a healthy friendship. I’d really like to hear from others who’ve been in this situation

She has kids, we’re both single but both expressed we don’t want to be in relationships and don’t really care about sex that much (I really don’t like casual myself)

She’s very experienced and some stories really get me going so I ask very probing questions which she happily answers, I just struggle to see what she gets out of it and why she’s so eager to share.

EDIT: I should’ve specified that from sharing what we are into I don’t think I’m her type at all. I know she’s hot but that doesn’t really mean much to me, she’s my friend


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