Can’t orgasm or feel clitoral stimulation with a partner


I’m feeling very discouraged today. Had incredible sex last night but once again cannot bring myself to orgasm. I’m a 29F and consider myself a very sexual person. I have a high sex drive. Started masturbating at a very young age and have done so almost every day often multiple times a day since. When I’m with a partner, I like to have sex quite a bit. It feels great but my clit somehow becomes engorged yet seems to lose sensation. When I masturbate, I can make myself come multiple times pretty quickly with bo loss of sensation. Even if I’m touching myself during sex, it just feels like I’m touching any other skin. I got a vch piercing recently to help and it did not help. I’m so frustrated. I’m not uncomfortable in any way. I’m excited about sex and want to try new things. I’ve never been sexually abused. I have partners that want me to come but it’s just not working. Sometimes I wonder if I masturbate too much or have caused some sort of sensitivity issue but there seems to be conflicting information online as to whether or not that is a myth. I don’t watch porn often so I know it’s not that. Has anyone solved a similar issue? I’m willing to do anything


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