Can’t Push Myself Over The Edge When Trying To Squirt


Throwaway account for this, since I feel awkward discussing on my main.

Title is fairly self explanatory. Sorry for long post.

I really want to try squirting, but every time I try I can never push myself over the edge and actually do it. I’ve tried following some videos, and I can get a “like a water balloon about to burst” or “I have to pee” feeling sometimes, but I can’t get any further.

I use a dildo, because my fingers don’t reach that far comfortably, and fingering does nothing for me. I feel like I’m getting close, but my arm gets too tired using the toy before I can actually get anywhere.
I have a shitty cheap bullet vibrator too, but it’s super weak in my opinion and too loud to use comfortably as I’m worried people will hear it. It doesn’t do anything for me either.
Only the dildo + clitoral stim, or just clitoral stim on its own sometimes. works for me.

I’ve tried peeing before, not peeing before, since I don’t know what one of those I should be doing and I figured full bladder would mean something HAS to come out. Nothing still.

Also read online that some people need to orgasm multiple times first, but I can usually only orgasm once before I’m out of the mood for the next while. And it isn’t even that “full body experience” that women describe it as (I’m a trans guy fyi). So I guess I’m missing out on that department too.

I can’t ask anyone to help, cause I’ve never dated or had sex with anyone before either.


Is this a hydration issue? Because I’ve heard you need to be really hydrated to squirt, and I tend to be the opposite.
Do I need like my 8 cups of water a day to squirt, or can I just drink water a little while before trying?

Do I just need to somehow push through even when my arm gets tired? Because I’ve tried and then I just focus on my arm…

Is there a technique to it?

Am I not like edging/teasing myself enough beforehand? What’s the best way to do so?

Am I just unable to squirt?



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