Can’t reach orgasm


I(24F) always have an orgasm when i masturbate (only clitoral but never with toys or my fingers it just feel weird to me). My issue is that i can’t reach an orgasm during sex (including PIV, fingering, oral). This literally makes me so fustrated. My boyfriend (26) is working so hard to make me cum and enjoy sex with him(i do enjoy it). My boyfriend and I tried to stimulate my clit during sex and oral but this not working form me either (as i said i can cum when masturbate). I usually feel the pee sensation during sex but i can’t past that “line” even tho i tried multiple times. My main problem is not that i can’t cum during sex. My main problem is that i can’t show my boyfriend that i really enjoy what he is doing. I always tell him that what he’s doing is amazing and i moan a lot because of the feelings but still…
Could you guys give me some good advice what i could do to have a big O during sex with my partner?
Or what sould i try?
Thank you in advance:):)

P.s: we talk about this a lot so our communication is not a problem

*Sorry if my grammar is a little chaotic this isn’t my mother language


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