‘Castro’s Daughter’ Taps Top Music Talent: Composer Carlos Jose Alvarez & Angela Alvarez For Authentic Cuban Score @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


SOFIA, BULGARIA (Top40 Charts) Mankind Entertainment has enlisted composer Carlos José Alvarez to create the score for the highly anticipated film “Castro’s Daughter,” directed by Spanish filmmaker Miguel Bardem. Alvarez is presently in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he is recording the score with the Sofia Session Orchestra, adding an extra layer of authenticity and richness to the film’s powerful narrative.

This score for the film, now in post-production, promises a sonic journey that captures the turbulent sweep of five decades of Cuban history. Alvarez’s diverse credits include the scores for Netflix’s “Cocaine Cowboys: Kings of Miami,” “The Road Dance” and HBO’s “Revolution Rent.”

“Castro’s Daughter” will also feature music from 95-year-old Latin Grammy-winning artist Angela Alvarez, Carlos’s grandmother. Having created music in her native Cuba before fleeing to the United States during the height of Cubaʻs revolution under Castro, her contribution forms a touching and powerful undercurrent to the film’s drama. In 2022, Angelaʻ Alverzʻs collected works earned her the ‘Best New Artistʻ award at the Latin Grammy Awards, setting records as the oldest-ever recipient of this honor.

Carlos José Alvarez said of his work on the filmʻs score: “The film spans five decades of Cuba’s history and the music must transport us, stylistically and emotionally. This is Alina’s courageous story as well as the untold story of so many Cubans, and I feel a weighted responsibility to honor my family and my culture.”

“Castro’s Daughter” is inspired by the extraordinary true story of Alina Fernandez, the daughter of Fidel Castro, portrayed by Ana Villafañe, who has previously collaborated with Alvarez. Alongside Villafañe, the film stars James Franco as Fidel Castro and Mia Maestro as Castro’s lover and Alina’s mother, Natalia “Naty” Revuelta. The supporting cast features Alanna de la Rosa, Maria Cecilia Botero, Harding Junior, Sian Chiong, Rafael Ernesto Hernandez, Luna Baxter, Carlos Manuel Vesga, and Charlotte de Casa Bianca. The filmʻs producers are John Martinez O’Felan, Joseph Lamy, Allen Gilmer, and Riki Rushing, with Luis Mandoki, Celine Rattray, and Trudie Styler serving as executive producers.

Mankind Entertainment is an independent film production company focused on producing films that are at the forefront of the universal human experience, high-quality, compelling stories that resonate with audiences worldwide.

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