Casual Hookup – So Awkward


I’d been chatting to someone for a couple of weeks, and I consider myself an okay read of people. Like they lied about their identity (they slipped a few times and it was easy to find their real identity – yes maybe my stalker vibe here is off but I wanted to be sorta safe).

Anyways, we meet up, the lying is outta control, it made the encounter so uncomfortable and awkward. Even if I hadn’t known the truth, the lying was so full on I’d have been able to tell, we are talking claiming to be a diplomatic secret agent level lying haha I felt creeped out which made me maybe act a little weird and ruined the hotness of the encounter.

I still slept with them (I was okay with that decision, I was there and it was entertaining) but then it became crazy awkward so I left. When I got home I was so confused that I did a little investigating and found they are most definitely not single! That the whole few hours was utter lies, some kinda dangerous lies even. Is this a situation where I should msg them and call them out on this unplanned role playing behaviour or do I just leave it and chalk it up to lesson learnt about setting ground rules before meeting people in future.

Be kind, I feel stupid haha


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