Changing mind about past hook-up after threesome offer



I (25F) hooked up with a guy (34M) a couple times back earlier this year, we haven’t spoken again up until recently. He basically re-approached + insinuated he’d like to hook up again. I responded positively, + then the convo turned to any “interesting” experiences we’d had since last time we spent time together.

I said I’d been approached for a threesome (I am bi) but had declined as I wasn’t feeling it. This guy then started asking if I wanted to have one with him, when I said no, he sent me an (unsolicited) pic of a couple girls who’d be “interested” in case I changed my mind. + asked if I’d had bad experiences with threesomes in the past.

This has for some reason massively put me off the idea of having sex with him again, even solo. I don’t love the idea of a straight guy trying to pair up 2 bi girls where one of them hasn’t even expressed interest into in a threesome, + I also feel like he’s covertly telling me I’m not a good/interesting/attractive enough partner to have solo sex with again (even though he’s now turned back to the solo idea when I re-asserted that I wasn’t going to sleep with any of his new female “friends”).

Am I just being overly sensitive here, or does this seem a little invalidating?


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