Chicago 10 – Playlists

Written and directed by Brett Morgen (The Kid Stays in the Picture), Chicago 10 presents contemporary history with a forced …







4 responses to “Chicago 10 – Playlists”

  1. Arlo Smith Avatar

    Political show trial. Soviet Union people's courts were more fair. The Judge was biased and incompetent in the same league as Nazi Judge Roland Friesler. The 1968 Convention permanently disillusioned me with the Donkey Party which just serves Big Business elites but does so with more lies than the GOP 👎

  2. DON BANCROFT Avatar

    That war was fought over known off shore oil reserves for the big oil companies not to save Vietnamese peasants from communism. LBJ was a corrupt crook.

  3. Rx Bandit Avatar

    Looking at this in 2023
    Where is this generation now. Most of them grew up to be conservative

  4. Jordan Johnson Avatar

    I brushed up on my knowledge of the Vietnam war to watch this.